About Intended Parent(s)

Steps for becoming an Intended Parent(s)

Frequently Asked Questions

Provided the surrogate's health insurance policy has been cleared to cover a surrogacy pregnancy, you may utilize her personal plan with her consent.
There are policies available for surrogates that are designed specifically for surrogate pregnancies.
The initial contact with a potential surrogate is a phone interview. If she meets all of the criteria she will then complete an extensive application and follow up with an interview. Medical records from previous pregnancies will be reviewed and sent to your IVF physician. Criminal background checks will be performed on surrogate and her spouse/partner. The surrogate will also undergo a psychological evaluation to explore her background, motivation and suitability. Finally, your IVF physician will screen both the surrogate and her spouse/partner for infectious diseases and will evaluate your surrogate's ability to conceive and carry a pregnancy.
The matching process can take a matter of days, weeks, or it may take several months to be matched with a compatible surrogate. It is my top priority to match parents with surrogates who share the same needs and desires.
Generally, it is the result of the surrogate's love for her own children that compels her to become a surrogate, allowing her to provide another individual or couple with the same opportunity to experience parenthood. Surrogates, by nature, are loving and generous women who have the desire to help.
During your surrogacy journey you may encounter some obstacles and experience many joys. Your surrogate will experience all of these emotions with you. Your relationship will unfold and grow along the way and beyond. I truly believe that all surrogates need to know that they have made a difference in your life and that your dream of becoming a parent has been fulfilled. By staying in touch after the birth of your baby and sharing photos from time to time will reassure her that she did, in fact, achieve her goal.
All surrogacy related costs are required to be held by a third party escrow company who will also have a copy of the surrogacy agreement. All payment requests are reviewed by the agency as well as the escrow company for accuracy.

Become a Parent

The first step in the most important journey of your life.

1st STEP :

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(909) 273-7015