About Surrogates

Steps for becoming a Surrogate

Frequently Asked Questions About Surrogacy

Unlike large agencies, which often have numerous and confusing departments and an ever-changing staff, I'll work directly with you-- conveniently available for support and guidance--throughout your entire journey.
In a gestational surrogacy, Intended Parents create embryos through in vitro fertilization using either their own genetic material or donor eggs and or donor sperm. One or more embryos are then implanted into the "gestational" surrogate who then carries the child/ren to term and will have no genetic connection to them.
A traditional surrogate is impregnated through artificial insemination utilizing her own eggs who will then have a genetic connection to the child/ren she carries for the intended parents.
Please note that Surrogacy10 will only recruit and manage gestational surrogacy arrangements
Yes, in gestational surrogacy your Fallopian tubes are not needed. Embryos are transferred directly into the uterus.
No, what you do with your compensation earnings is solely your responsibility. For tax advice you should consult with a licensed Certified Public Accountant who specializes in tax filings.
Your commitment allows me to run a background check, verify your insurance, request medical records and schedule you for a psychological evaluation. Only then will I be able to commit my services to taking the necessary steps to match you.
Yes, there is a surrogate specific insurance plan that can be purchased for you by the intended parents for the duration of your pregnancy .
Your insurance will be vetted to determine if it is surrogacy friendly with no exclusions. Monthly premiums, copays and deductibles will be paid for by the intended parents if your insurance is used.
There is a surrogate specific insurance plan that can be purchased for you by the intended parents for the duration of your pregnancy. You will still be able to keep your current insurance for your personal needs.
Your personal profile will be reviewed and carefully matched to an individual or couple that share your specific needs and desires, allowing you to have an experience that is both enriching and fulfilling
While each IVF clinic and doctor have their own set of medication protocols that they follow, many will consist of prenatal vitamins, vitamin D, birth control pills, estrogen (in the form of either tablet, patch or injection) and progesterone (in the form of tablet, vaginal tablet/suppository or injection).

Compensation Package for Surrogates

Base Fee   (The listed fees are minimum base fees)

Paid in 10 equal installments over the course of the pregnancy and begins on the first of the month following confirmation of heartbeat via ultrasound.

$ 35,000 first time
$ 40,000 2nd time
$ 45,000 3rd time
$ 50,000 4th time

For twins, surrogate shall receive an additional $1,000 ($2,000 for triplets) upon completion of the 17th week of pregnancy and $1000 each month thereafter, assuming an ongoing pregnancy.

$ 5,000 twins
$ 10,000 triplets

Surrogate will receive an additional $3,000 if the delivery requires a cesarean.

$ 3,000
Monthly Allowance

A non-accountable monthly allowance of $200 will be paid to the Surrogate for the reimbursement of local mileage (less than 50 miles round trip), telephone charges, faxes, postage or overnight fees, non-prescription medications, vitamins/supplements, childcare services and other incidentals such as parking fees and pregnancy test kits, etc. This fee shall begin on the first of the month following the executed agreement between the Surrogate and Intended Parents and continue until either termination of the contract by either party or one month post delivery.

$ 3,000
Maternity Clothes Allowance

$400 paid at 10th week and 14th week, assuming transfer results in pregnancy.
For pregnancy of multiples, an additional $200 will be paid at 16th week post transfer.

$ 800
Start of Medications

Paid to the surrogate upon starting injectable medications for "each" cycle.

$ 400
Embryo Transfer

Paid to the surrogate for "each" embryo transfer and includes the cost of lost wages and childcare associated with the transfer.

$ 1,000
Lost Wages

Surrogate's compensation for lost wages if surrogate is employed in the event of physician ordered bed rest, recovery from birth, missed time from work due to pregnancy and or appointments. Spouse lost wages for specific appointments. Lost wages will be based on NET pay and will require paystubs and proof of actual lost wages.

Housekeeping & Childcare

If requested, surrogate will receive up to $300 per week after “36” weeks until “6” weeks post delivery when placed on physician ordered bed rest “or strict activity restriction” (10 weeks maximum). Extension is possible when ordered by physician.

$ 3,000
Invasive Procedure

Surrogate will be reimbursed $500 for each procedure such as cerclage, amniocentesis, CVS,D&C or other prenatal diagnostic testing. For fetal reduction surrogate will receive $1,000.

$ 500
Hysterectomy/Loss of Fallopian Tube

Surrogate shall be compensated $5,000 if she must undergo a hysterectomy as a result of the delivery of the baby, as long as the procedure is performed within 3 months of the delivery. Surrogate shall be compensated $1,000 should she lose her Fallopian tube.

$ 5,000 loss of uterus
$ 1,000 loss p/each Fallopian tube
Travel Expenses

Surrogate will be compensated for travel to all appointments related to the surrogacy when required to travel 50 miles or more round trip.

Health Insurance Premium

Surrogate's monthly premium will be reimbursed if the policy is surrogacy friendly.

Life/Disability Insurance

($250,000 life insurance policy during surrogacy).

Meal Allowance

This is paid when more than 5 hours is spent per day for traveling and attending pregnancy related appointments.

$ 25 per day for her
$ 25 per day for her companion

Become a Surrogate

Pregnancy With Purpose.

1st STEP :

Email Me

or Call me at:

(909) 273-7015